

Our research attempts to derive methods for including quantum nuclear effects into simulations of chemical systems.  The approaches we use are based on Feynman's path-integral description of quantum mechanics.  Two recent articles describe our work in more detail, one for the lay reader in Chimia (doi: external page10.2533/chimia.2018.309) and one for physical chemists in a JCP Perspective (doi: external page10.1063/1.5028352).

Semiclassical instanton theory

Representation of instanton

Calculating low temperature rates of polyatomic chemical reactions

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Tunnelling in water clusters and other hydrogen-bonded molecular systems

hexamer tunnelling dynamics

Simulating tunnelling dynamics in molecular clusters

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Nonadiabatic Dynamics

Representation of nonadiabatic RPMD

Extending RPMD beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

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Nonadiabatic Rate Theory

Representation of nonadiabatic RPMD

Extending instanton theory to nonadiabatic processes such as Fermi's golden rule and beyond

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